App Reviews

135 add

Very good

Very good



Doesnt work

Crashes at start and doesnt work!

App Crash on Message

Every time I want to sent a message by clicking the sent button, the app crashes


App crashes every time when retrieving messages.

Launch Icon "gone"

The current version 2.1.0 does at IOS not show the launch icon anymore. Instead a grey placeholder is shown only. May be because of new IOS May be not

too slow

the app is too slow... its so hard to get new account...


Very good

Nice One.


Get quotes ❓❓!!

i will not use alibaba again , every 2 min come,get quotes !!

The messages dont arrive sometimes

The messages dont arrive sometimes

decent app

good app, but crashes a lot, need advanced search

Crashes always

When trying to take messages the application crashes constantly since months.


I loaded the new update but still no go. Please fix A.S.A.P.

Some fix needed!

Please fix the message center its always crashing!

Lol made in china quality?

This app looks good but crashes over and over again every time I scroll in my messages. It doesnt support attachments, and you cant contact multiple companies at the same time. Now when you view your messages it crashes over and over again. Maybe this app is a reflection of the items traded on their website... Looks good but no GC

Keeps crashing

Great app but it crashes too much. Plz fix!!!


Will love this app if it will no crashing. Pls fix it!


Please change the app icon and improve the ui design and add support for ios 7.

Not liking this at all

Seems not to function well, cant see all the sites options very limited

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